My Story
Making 2018 the Year of Adventure!
Traci worked hard to get what she felt was a perfect life – a home in an affluent community, a thriving business, nice vacations. A routine doctor’s visit turned this all around with a diagnosis of an aggressive form of breast cancer. Journey with Traci as she retells her victorious battle with cancer and reveals the 7 priceless life lessons she learned along the way.
“Life is difficult at times and these lessons will hopefully help others going through tough times know that they are not alone and that there is hope,” says Traci. “Life is tough…not just for those going through medical issues. Life is just tough in general.” Traci hopes her story gives optimism to those going through big and small challenges in their everyday life.
“I am declaring 2018 my year of adventure. It’s time to get out and live life to the fullest,” shares Traci. One year after recovering from one of life’s biggest curve balls, Traci continues her pledge to herself that life was not to be taken for granted. Traci Engle’s New Book “The Second Lane of a Two-Way Street” Reveals Lessons Learned by Conquering the Biggest Fight of her Life: Cancer
The experience was "A Journey on the Value of Friendship and Unconditional Love."
Reading about your inner and outer experiences during this life event of diagnosis and treatment were impactful - It gave insight to your strength and vulnerability during this difficult time. Thank you for telling this chapter of your life journey and having your snow globe shaken up.
- Jeffrey Edgar, Executive Coach
Traci’s courage to share her story with honesty and vulnerability is commendable and inspirational. She confronted her health challenge with the same determination she faces life. Traci’s style of writing brings a lightness to a very hard topic. Whether or not you have an illness, reading Traci’s story will provide you with insight about what really matters in a life well lived.
- Susan Salem, DC Diablo Chiropractic
In The Second Lane of a Two Way Street, Traci reminds us how important it is to step back and enjoy the bumps, challenges and unpredictable events that we face in life. It's so easy to get defeated when instead Traci helps us slow down, enjoy every day, and be present to live a happier life.
- Heather Christian, Digital Marketing Strategist
"The Second Lane of a Two-Way Street" is a compelling journal that reminds us NOT to wait for a life-threatening event to cherish the unconditional love from friends and family. Traci’s story is about never underestimating the power of the human body to heal itself and to reach out to friends and family for the emotional support to get you through the treatment and healing process. It is less than a year since Traci’s surgery and treatment – is she back to normal? No. She is starting a “New Normal” taking more time with her family and friends and making new adventures."
- Margaret O'Reilly, Cancer Survivor
What I love about Traci Engle and her book "The Second Lane of a Two Way Street" is her completely open and in-depth description of her journey, both personal and medical. She teaches us to live in the moment and to make sure that we take good care of us first, our family, and friends that provide us our deepest support. Her message to decide to PLAY, LAUGH AND LOVE more is one I will keep in my heart.
- Marilyn Suey, Diamond Group Wealth Advisors and Founder of Savvy Women: Building a Brighter Future for All Women™

Traci Engle
Traci Engle was born and raised in Tallmadge, Ohio. A Spring Break trip to eighty-degree Santa Cruz was enough to convince her that California was the place to be once that diploma was in her hands. After several years of working her way up in corporate America, Traci decided to be her own boss. It wasn’t long before she had a thriving consulting business. Traci Engle became a small business owner turned book writer when a life-changing event twisted her seemingly perfect world around. She was recently the cover story in Blackhawk Living Magazine.